Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What Generation X Has To Look Forward To With Auto Loans

The next generation of car buyers are more amused to lease a car than to buy one. The 19-34 age rage are buying car earlier than ever before and opening up credit cards.

Doing this allows for the generation to build their credit faster. The bad news for the new generation is that when they do take out credit cards they are prone to use them a lot more which will get them into trouble.

The Generation X still has the highest debt ratio in history which the average is about $26,000 and an income of about $34,400.

Which how can you afford a car with that kind of income you are asking for debt right off the get go with a $20,000 car.

No wonder people or generation X is using auto loans to get a car in Cincinnati. I did because that's the only outlet you have today! 

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