Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Old Cars Can Give You A Bad Quality of Life

Is your quality of life not where you want it? Because your car is about 10 years old and you want into something newer?

The pain of car loans is out of this world now. Let's face it any kind of loan that you take on is going to be out of this world.

Back when I was doing my refinancing for an auto loan, you wouldn't imagine how many people at the bank I had to talk to to get the rate I wanted or needed for my car.

But the bank sold me on getting approved at 1.99% and I actually got 2.4% which helps my 4.0% in a big way but cars are just to expensive now.

A lot of dealers will sell you cars and want you to finance a little part of the car with them because the dealership gets a kickback for selling the car.

And they hope you don't pay but it all comes out after you buy the car. The truth that is. So go into the dealership with a price in mind and pre approved bottom line!

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